Hi!!! i just entered a terminator drawing contest and this is my idea, there's no color yet, but i'm working on it, i want it to look like comic style, please let me know what you think! If you are interested on the contest here you can find further information, FREE ENTRANCE!
http://www.elrincondelbuenvicio.blogspot.com Great contest my friend!
I'm not good using color on my drawings, actually, i never use color on my drawings, but for this contest i wanted to experiment and see what happens, so i took my dusty wacom and this is my terminator drawing with color! haha, sorry guys, first time! i hope you like it anyway!

3 comentarios:
que bueno que quedo el 2do que bueno que est sigue asi
un saludo,Tom
Incredible Spawn! I forgot to tell you that I seem to have lost track of Todd McFarlane. He must have moved. Sorry about that. I wanted to hook you up. He would be amazed at your renditions of his characters.
Take care
joey buenos dibujos me gusta este que has de terminator esta salvajes te felicito
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